
Sakineh free

but terms of release still unclear

Sakineh (photocredit: Tgcom Mediaset)

Sakineh (photocredit: Tgcom Mediaset)

The Iranian woman who escaped stoning for adultery was allowed to leave the prison. Officially this is due to good behaviour, but it is unclear whether she is to be definitively liberated. 

Sakineh Mohammed Ashtiani, two children, a conviction for adultery and complicity in the murder of her husband, according to sources from the Iranian judiciary would have been released thanks to "Islam's leniency towards women". Authorities in facts say they follow the Islamic law and they never violated anybody's human rights. 

In 2006 she was sentenced to stoning but the verdict was suspended in 2010 following international uproad. The European Union defined the verdict against her as "barbaric". 

The Holy See had demanded pardon and Brazil had offered asylum to the woman. The case was also brought on the table of negotiations about Iranian nuclear weapons. 

20 March 2014

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