
Day of remembrance

of the foibe victims

Day of Remembrance

Day of Remembrance

On 10th February, the anniversary of the Treaty of Paris signed in 1947, which handed over to Yugoslavia the territory occupied by Tito's army during the war.

Since World War II, especially in Italy, the term "foiba" has been commonly associated with the mass killings (Foibe massacres) allegedly perpetrated by local and Yugoslav partisans during and shortly after World War II. These were directed against native Italians and other real or perceived enemies of the incoming Tito communists.

Read what the foibe are

Italian Events Calendar

The Giorgio Perlasca Foundation remembers the more than 10 thousand Italians put into the foibe and the 350,000 exiled from Istria, Venetia Julia and Dalmatia, and publishes the text of the law passed on 30th March 2004 n° 92 with which, after 60 years only, Italy officially acknowledged this tragedy by establishing the 10th February as the "Foibe remembrance day"

The Calendar of Italian Events prepared by the Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia (ANVGD)

10 February 2009

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