
Armenians and Azeris

a difficult path to peace

On 28 Febbraio the world commemorated the Sumgait pogrom, a massacre of Armenians which unleashed the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh back in 1988.

This region between Armenia and Azerbaijan now witnesses an escalation of violence which has been increasing the risk of a resumption of a war already costed 3,000 deaths. This was underlined in a report of the International Crisis Group. According to this research centre there can be "devastating regional consequences" unless tension surged after the 2009 rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey is easened.

Armenia's Honorary Consul to Italy Pietro Kuciukian stepped in to advocate peace in a region, a peace based on responsibility of the single individuals who can oppose the national policies of their governments and the persecution of the people of different ethnic groups.

read the full article by Pietro Kuciukian

1 March 2011

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